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Fast Math (a challenging math game) 1.0

Fast Math (a challenging math game) 1.0

Fast Math (a challenging math game) Publisher's Description

If you are looking for an application for your kids, try Fast Math Kids Edition, unlike this game it is designed for kids aged 6-12.

You remember learning math at school and getting better and better at mental arithmetic as your years progressed? But how good are you now? Have you still got it- are you fast enough at your maths to beat Fast Math?

The interface is simple and easy to navigate and understand- But the questions can really put your mind through its paces- As you can see from the animated picture, the questions start out fairly easy- but over the 20 levels get harder and harder and the time to answer them gets shorter and shorter (but all questions are certainly accomplishable)

With 10000s of pre programmed questions A game of Fast Math will always be different!

Why not improve your arithmetic with Fast Math? We''re sure that if you keep at this game, you''ll know all your times tables off by heart (from about 1 to 20) and have an even faster addition calculating ability!

Beware- Math can actually get really frustrating!

But isn''t the feeling great when you get a difficult sum right under high pressure for time!!

Fast Math may require the EVB runtime files, however, this is unlikely. Slower devices may experience a slight delay (around a second) on the application executing.

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